Healthy Living

Share Your Problem Health Forum

Share your health problem or concerns with other readers who may have their own suggestions or opinions that may benefit them and you.  Get our community talking about your healthcare experiences and possible solutions that may benefit others interested in your problem.  Become a health advocate for discussion and ask a health related question, make a health related comment or suggest a health blood test that you would recommend others should get.


Please Note: The purpose for this health forum is for discussion among the general population only.  Before using this Health Forum, you and any reader must understand that the Health Saver Store does not promote, treat or provide a medical diagnosis to your problem.  See your medical provider for any medical treatment or pertinent medical question. 

  • Ralph says...

    I recently had a blood test, but all my doctor told me was that the results were “normal”. I was glad to hear that, but I would have wanted to know, just how close to abnormal they were. I am upset that I did not even get a copy of my results. I do not feel that I know every detail about my health. Do you feel the same way?

    On January 20, 2016

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